Details Do Matter - Tips for Authors

Many times, you only get one shot at querying an agent or a publisher. Make sure you have done everything you possibly can to make your submission and correspondence as polished as they can be. Formatting problems make your work look unprofessional.

Emails/Query Forms

  • Make sure all names and titles are spelled correctly.

  • Verify that the email address is correct.

  • Verify that the name on the query matches the person you’re sending it to.

  • Keep a list of the agents/agencies you query, the date sent, and any response.

  • Follow all submission requirements.


  • Follow standard formatting rules.

  • If not specified, use Times New Roman 12 point (black). Don’t use multiple fonts or fancy types or colors.

  • Make sure you have a cover page.

  • Margins need to be one inch on all sides.

  • Put the page number and the author’s last name in the footer.

  • You need a cover page with your title, word count, and contact information. The page numbering should start on the first page of your manuscript (not the cover page).

  • Most agents/publishers want manuscripts that are formatted for an automatic tab indent for each new paragraph (instead of using the tab key each time or the space bar).

  • Don’t use the return/enter key to move to the next page. Add a hard return (Usually Control + Enter).

  • Use only one space after all punctuation.

  • For American writers, end punction (commas and periods) go inside the quotation marks.

  • Make sure your work has been edited and proofed before you submit it. Print it out and do one last check before you send it.

The little things do matter and show that you’ve invested the time to make your work the best it can be. If you have formatting issues with your word processor, there are lots of good how-to videos on YouTube or the Microsoft Help site for Word.