Ways to Expand Your Facebook Presence

It takes some time and a lot of care and feeding to build a steady following on social media. Here are some ideas of things you can do to expand your social media presence.

  • There are lots of specialized Facebook groups for books, reading, and all genre imaginable. Find these and join them.

  • Join in discussions.

  • Many book groups on Facebook offer author take-overs. This is a chance for you to meet new readers in that genre and to introduce them to your books.

  • Post interesting/entertaining content on your site. This keeps people coming back.

  • Make sure your posts have some sort of picture, graphic, or video. Avoid huge blogs of text. Facebook often only shows the first few lines, make sure the important information is first in your sentence.

  • Follow the 80/20 rule. Only about 20% of your posts should be about your books. Readers want to know about you and your interests.

  • Be social. Don’t just post and run. Make sure you respond to comments.

  • Spend some time scrolling your newsfeed and comment on others’ posts.

  • Celebrate others’ accomplishments on your site.

  • Put your key social media links in your email signature, website, and newsletter.

  • Use your Search button. Look for topics that interest you for ideas of people or groups to follow. You can also search by key words for subjects like librarians, book bloggers, cozy mystery, etc. to see what is available.

  • When you meet new people, check out their social sites and follow them.

  • When you post group or event photos, make sure to tag the other folks who are with you. Your audience expands when they share it with their readers.