All the Stuff I Didn't Know Writers Had to Do...
/When I dreamed of being a published writer, I had no idea how much work was going to be involved. I was going to write books, do book signings, and spend my royalties. It wasn’t until that first contract arrived that I realized I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
Even if you have a publisher with a team to support you, there are still marketing and other tasks that you’re expected to do to promote your work.
Here are some of the things that turned my little hobby into a second job. What would you add to my list?
Be prepared. You will read your manuscript more times than you’ll ever want to count to look for plotholes, typos, inconsistencies and areas to improve.
Find a critique group or partner to give you feedback on your manuscript.
Build and maintain a website and your social media presence.
Schedule events.
Organize your writing and promotional calendars.
Network with booksellers, librarians, book clubs, reviewers, and podcasters.
Network with other writers.
Learn how to ask for blurbs. Write blurbs for others.
Create a newsletter.
Build a newsletter list of followers.
Write a blog. Write content for your socials. Write content for your newsletter.
Write guest blogs and do interviews.
Prepare for interviews and speaking engagements.
Create a street team of super fans.
Learn how to use a variety of different software for book stuff.
Be social on multiple social media sites and build your following.
Get all the tax, sales tax, and business stuff straightened out.
Add information to your will to take care of the business of your books.