#WriterWednesday Interview with K. L. Murphy

I’d like to welcome my friend and one of my favorite suspense writers, K. L. Murphy to the blog for #WriterWednesday.

Things you never want to run out of: Books, tea, and wine—a trifecta of happiness—and preferably all while at the beach.

Things you wish you’d never bought: Half my closet probably. At any one point in time, I wonder why I bought that dress, shirt, or pair of shoes that I never wear.

Hardest thing about being a writer: For me, the most difficult part to manage is that there are no established “office hours.” Also, when I first started writing, I was working from home before working from home became a thing. Because I had children, there weren’t any real boundaries. While you might not call someone when you know they’re at work, a writer’s hours are less known. Interruptions are normal and frequent.

Easiest thing about being a writer: The flexible hours (see above)! I can take my work anywhere any day of the week. All I need is a few hours and my laptop.

Things you need for your writing sessions: I can write with noise or in a quiet room. I can be in my office or at a coffee shop. I don’t have a special chair or notebook. What I need most is to turn off life’s distractions—especially when I have deadlines.

Things that hamper your writing: Those pesky distractions: laundry, dishes, dogs, email, scrolling…

A few of your favorite things: I don’t have many favorite things: a couple of pieces of jewelry that were gifts (mostly sentimental), some books from childhood, pictures/photo albums, and most of all, time with family, friends, and my amazing dogs!

Things you need to throw out: Everything in the back of every closet or drawer—out of sight, out of mind. This is also true of the pantry. I have to make myself clean it out or there could be some scary things back there! Also, no matter how many times you clean out your filing cabinets and office, it’s never really done. Weed-like, the paper and junk keeps coming back.

Favorite foods: Fruits, vegetables, seafood, anything spicy—almost everything really. There’s very little I don’t like or won’t eat.

Things that make you want to gag: The sight of liver does make me a little sick. My mother served it to us once because my father loved it. Once only! Truly, I think she sensed she might have a revolt if she tried that again. I also don’t love overly sweet foods.

Something you’re really good at: I don’t know about really good, but I’m a pretty good baker and decent cook. I also wouldn’t say I have a green thumb, but I’m a decent gardener.

Something you’re really bad at: Singing! Really bad. Ask anyone in my family.

Favorite smell: I have several favorite smells including the ocean, flowers, freshly cut grass, homemade cakes and breads, and most herbs—especially sage.

Something that makes you hold your nose: While I love the smell of flowers, perfumes that are supposed to be from gardenias are way too strong and cloying for me.

The last thing you ordered online: Sunscreen and dental floss

The last thing you regret buying: I regret that I haven’t bought anything online lately more interesting than sunscreen and dental floss.

Things you’d walk a mile for: To get my hair done. Hair appointments are NOT to be missed!

Things that make you want to run screaming from the room: People who talk over other people and bring every story back to themselves.

Favorite books (or genre): Rebecca is a book I go back to over and over. While I read almost every genre, more than 75% of what I read/listen to are mysteries and thrillers.

Books you wouldn’t buy: I appreciate all books but because there is only so much time in the day, I don’t typically buy magical realism, sweet romance, or science fiction. One might sneak in though😊

Besides writing, what’s the most creative thing you’ve done: The annual poems for the Halloween party invitations when the kids were young. I know that’s technically still writing, but it’s different!

A project that didn’t quite turn out the way you planned it: Absolutely anything needed for the classroom—I am craft challenged.

About K. L.:

K.L. Murphy is the author of Last Girl Missing (July 2024) the first in the Detective Callie Forde Mystery Series. She is also the author of the award-nominated Her Sister’s Death, a January 2023 Once Upon a Book Club Pick. Of Her Sister’s Death, Publishers Weekly said, “Murphy keeps the tension high…” and “readers will eagerly turn the pages” and Library Journal called the book “[A] riveting tale…”

In addition, she is the author of the Detective Cancini Mystery Series featuring A Guilty Mind, Stay of Execution, and The Last Sin. Her short stories are featured in several anthologies. K.L. makes her home in Richmond, VA, where she loves spending time with her family, friends, and two amazing dogs.

 Let’s Be Social:

Website: www.kellielarsenmurphy.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/k.l._murphy/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/klmurphyauthor

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/klmurphyauthor/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@klmurphyauthor

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/k-l-murphy

Email: kellielarsenmurphy@gmail.com