#WriterWednesday with Brad C Anderson
/I’d like to welcome Brad C Anderson to the blog for #WriterWednesday!
Things you never want to run out of: Toilet paper
Things you wish you’d never bought: A Skinny Puppy cassette. What, you’ve never heard of the band Skinny Puppy? There’s a reason for that.
A few of your favorite things: My comfy chair
Things you need to throw out: I suppose I ought to toss out that Skinny Puppy cassette some day.
Things you need for your writing sessions: Music! 😊
Things that hamper your writing: Reddit ☹
Hardest thing about being a writer: The first draft
Easiest thing about being a writer: Imagining scenes
Favorite foods: Peanut butter sandwiches
Things that make you want to gag: Liver
Things to say to an author: I loved the scene in your book where … happened
Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: I found a typo in your published novel.
Favorite places you’ve been: Pompeii!
Places you never want to go to again: Malvern, Pennsylvania.
Favorite books (or genre): Lovecraftian demon horror
Books you wouldn’t buy: Books written by politicians
Favorite things to do: Gardening
Things you’d run through a fire or eat bugs to get out of doing: Taxes
The funniest thing to happen to you: When I was fourteen, this woman approached me at the bus stop and asked if I ever lived in Grand Prairie. I told her no. She was relieved because, for a moment, she thought that I (a fourteen-year-old boy) was her ex-husband who left town.
The most embarrassing thing to happen to you: I laughed so hard a booger shot out my nose.
About Brad:
Brad C. Anderson is a science fiction author who loves exploring flawed characters' journeys through nasty situations. He lives with his wife and puppy in Vancouver, Canada, where he teaches undergraduate business at a local university and researches organizational wisdom in blithe defiance of the fact that most people do not think you can put those two words in the same sentence without irony. Previously, he worked in the biotech sector, where he made drugs for a living (legally!).
His stories have appeared in a variety of publications. He has published two science fiction novels, Ashme’s Song in 2025 and Duatero in 2022 as well as several non-fiction books. His short story, Naïve Gods, was longlisted for a 2017 Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic. It was published in the anthology Lazarus Risen, which itself was nominated for an Aurora Award.
Let’s Be Social:
Find him at http://bradanderson2000.com and https://www.facebook.com/bradanderson2000/