#ThisorThatThursday Interview with Kristin Kisska

I’d like to welcome my friend, the fabulous Kristin Kisska, to the blog today for #ThisorThatThursday!

Things you need when you’re in your writing cave: I can’t work without coffee and absolute silence.

Things that distract you from writing: Pretty much all things on the internet. I need to put parental controls on my office computer.

Things you will run to the store for at midnight: A 9-volt battery to replace the dying one in my chirping smoke alarm. That’s usually the time it goes off as well.

Things you never put on your shopping list: Lumber. I’m not handy, so I have no business working with a hammer, nails, or wood.

The coolest thing you’ve bought online: This is tough, because I buy just about everything online these days. But, one of my very first online purchases ever was my wedding dress back in 1999!

The thing you wished you’d never bought: I bought a monthly subscription plan for a streaming “commercial free” radio service for my car, that took months to finally terminate our subscription, and now I’m on their marketing mailing list.

Favorite snacks: Ice cream, especially Gelato. I just returned from visiting my daughter in Rome, so I’m trying to break my daily afternoon Gelato habit.

Things that make you want to gag: Olives. I can’t even pick them off a Greek salad, because they make all the rest of the ingredients taste like olives.

Something you’re really good at: Making lists and spreadsheets.

Something you’re really bad at: Remembering to bring along my shopping list with me to the grocery store.

Something you wanted to be when you were a kid: Growing up, I wanted to be a veterinarian.

Something you do that you never dreamed you’d do: I never in a million years predicted I’d be a novelist, let alone publish one!

Things to say to an author: I couldn’t stop thinking about your book after it

Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: I have a great idea for a book. If you write it, we can split the profits.

Favorite places you’ve been: I adore Prague, Czech Republic where I lived for three years, the Amalfi Coast, Italy, and the Exuma, Bahamas. In the USA, I love visiting Destin, Florida, Savannah, and Charleston.

Places you never want to go to again: Ohhhhh, that’s tough, because I think most places have something charming to them. But if pressed, it would be tough to convince me to visit Las Vegas.

Most daring thing you’ve ever done: In my twenties, I bought a one-way ticket to Prague and lived there for three years. My parents thought I was nuts, but it was the adventure of a lifetime.

Something you chickened out from doing: Skydiving. I don’t do heights. Ever.

The most exciting thing about your writing life: I love going to in person book events like festivals, conferences, and book clubs. While most writers are introverts—myself included—I get a rush chatting with book people.

The one thing you wish you could do over in your writing life: I wish I could learn how to write in quick bursts. I started out writing when my kiddos were napping or in preschool, and now I need a stretch of absolute quiet time or I can’t write.

The nicest thing a reader said to you: “If I could, I would give your novel [The Hint of Light] six stars!”

The craziest thing a reader said to you: “Did you hire a ghost writer?”

Recommendations for curing writer’s block: My go-to writer’s block cure is going for a walk. If that doesn’t work, I ask myself, “How can I make the situation worse for my main character?” And if all else fails, I enjoy an adult beverage. That usually helps ease through the pain.

Things you do to avoid writing: I can tell if I’m procrastinating if I start cleaning my home. That is my S.O.S. call!

About Kristin:

KRISTIN KISSKA used to be a finance geek, complete with MBA and Wall Street pedigree, but now she is a self-proclaimed #SuspenseGirl. Kristin has contributed short suspense stories to a dozen anthologies, including her first locked room mystery, “Cruise to Nowhere” in the revenge fiction anthology, First Comes Love, Then Comes Murder.  Her debut novel, The Hint of Light, was an Agatha Award finalist for Best First Mystery Novel. Kristin is a member of International Thriller Writers, Women’s Fiction Writers Association, and Sisters in Crime. Kristin lives in Richmond, Virginia with her family and their moody tabby cat, Boom. She loves hearing from friends, readers, and book clubs at www.KristinKisska.com

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Kristin’s short story, “Cruise to Nowhere” appears in the anthology, First Comes Love, Then Comes Murder.