#WriterWednesday with CC Robinson

I’d like to welcome CC Robinson to the blog for #WriterWednesday!

Things you never want to run out of: Coffee, tea, and Nerds gummies.

Things you wish you’d never bought: Polly Pockets (all those tiny parts end up everywhere!), my bookshelf dress (I’m such a nerd), and a four-pack of canned chickpeas that the food pantry won’t take.

Things you need for your writing sessions: Water, good lighting, and my epic movie soundtrack playlist on Spotify.

Things that hamper your writing: distractions (hello, ADHD), kids (see #1), and my cat Newt when he sits on my keyboard (also see #1).

Hardest thing about being a writer: finding the time and energy for marketing and social media because if readers don’t know your book exists, they won’t read it

Easiest thing about being a writer: writing the book

Things you always put in your books: courage and hope against impossible odds because we all need inspiration

Things you never put in your books: actual curse words

Things to say to an author: I read your book and left a review on Good Reads and Amazon

Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: if I had written your latest release, I’d [insert anything here, it doesn’t matter, we’ve stopped listening because we wrote it, you didn’t]

Favorite places you’ve been: Cincinnati’s underground tunnels (the inspiration for Divided’s rebel movement, the Underground), Alaska, Sierra Leone, South Africa, US National Parks, and the Smokey Mountains

Places you never want to go to again: New York City – I’m sorry, I’m not a big city gal.

Favorite books (or genre): YA dystopian, post-apocalyptic, hard science fiction, mystery, select epic fantasy, and sweet romcom

Books you wouldn’t buy: anything with a spice level over 0 – I can’t stomach it.

People you’d like to invite to dinner: Jesus, George Lucas, Malcolm Gladwell, and my female MC Rose Chen all at the same time. It’d be a great conversation, especially since Rose would pick apart everyone’s ideas like a girl-boss.

People you’d cancel dinner on: most politicians, but especially my fictional Supreme Commander Martin – think North Korea’s Dear Leader combined with a former gang banger

Favorite things to do: swimming, hiking, jeeping, reading, spending time with friends, and dancing

Things you’d run through a fire or eat bugs to get out of doing: clothes shopping for myself

Best thing you’ve ever done: start a medical clinic in Sierra Leone after their civil war – I met the most amazing people and witnessed miracles in the face of impossible situations (no running water or electricity, no medical care except our clinic, and abject poverty)

Biggest mistake: wasting ten years of my life running away from my calling

Most daring thing you’ve ever done: stared down the barrel of a semi-automatic rifle in rebel-controlled Liberia - we got out alive after paying their tribute, which is a whole story

Something you chickened out from doing: again, clothes shopping for myself – I pay someone else to do it, that’s how much I hate it.

The nicest thing a reader said to you: my book club read your book and had the best discussion

The craziest thing a reader said to you: Divided reminded me of Fahrenheit 451 – really? That’s a classic and feels a little over-the-top but I’m humbled and amazed they thought it.

About CC:

CC Robinson has over two decades’ experience in cross-cultural settings as a medical doctor working in post-civil war nations and as an Associate Pastor at a multi-ethnic congregation led by an African-American man in Cincinnati, the setting for Divided. When she’s not throwing on her superhero cape to save her characters from their dystopian antics, CC enjoys hiking, gardening, dancing, swimming, and driving her jeep through the woods with her husband and three kids. Find her on most socials except Twitter / X as @ccrobinsonauthor. 

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