20 Ideas for Blog Posts

Does your blogging ever get in a rut or do you have trouble coming up with new ideas? Here’s my go-to list of ideas.

  1. Interview Other Authors

  2. Make Playlists for Your Books

  3. Write about What You’re Doing

  4. Write about Your Pets and Include Lots of Pictures

  5. Talk about Your Hobbies

  6. Look for Nonfiction Hooks in Your Books

    1. Delanie Fitzgerald lives is a Sears Catalog House, so I did some research and shared information about these types of houses.

  7. Talk about What You’re Reading

  8. Write Posts for Special “Holidays” or This Day in History

  9. Share a Recipe and Photos and Videos of you Creating it

  10. Show Pictures of Your Desk or Office, and Talk about Your Writing Space

  11. Talk about Things You’ve Learned Recently

  12. Go for a Walk and Document it in a Video or Pictures

  13. Play Tourist in Your Own Town and Share Your Adventures

  14. Share What You’ve Watched or Binged Lately

  15. Share Your Favorite Inspirational Quotes

  16. Go to Places in Your Stories and Write about What Inspired You to Use it as a Setting

  17. Describe Your Writing Process

  18. Do a Blog Swap or Blog Take-over with a Writer Friend — You write a post for her site, and she is a guest on yours.

  19. Pick a Favorite Movie or Book and Write a Post about What You Learned from It (e.g. What I Learned from Nancy Drew)

  20. Blog about What You Wished You Had Known as a New Writer