Newsletter Content Ideas

New writers often ask me what they should include in their newsletters. Here are some ideas that have worked for me.

  • Announcements and What’s New with You

  • Give-aways and Do Shout outs to Previous Winners

  • Invitation to Join Your Street Team

  • Ask for Reviews/References (e.g. book clubs, speaking events, etc.)

  • Highlight One of Your Interesting Blog Posts

  • Recipes

  • Craft Projects

  • Your Hobbies

  • Your Pets

  • Your Favorite Things

  • Feature What You’re Reading or Watching

  • Interview Other Authors

  • Pictures of Where You’ve Been Recently

  • Highlights of Blogs, Take-overs, Podcasts, and Interviews That You’ve Done Recently

  • Where You’ll Be Next

What would you add to my list?