Where Do You Write?

I can write just about anywhere. I’m a plotter, so I do a pretty detailed outline of each mystery before I start the first draft. When I’m in first draft mode, I usually write at my desk. I have daily writing goals that help me stay on track. By having an outline, I can usually put down the manuscript and pick it back up without having to spend hours trying to get back to where I was. I also compose at the keyboard. It wasn’t productive to handwrite pages and then retype them.

I like to write at my desk. My monitor faces the woods, so I can watch the sunrise, squirrels, hawks, and other birds in the woods. I usually revise/edit/proofread on hard copies. I print out the chapters, and I can take them anywhere. My favorite spots are my sunroom and my deck on a warm day.

I need to have plenty of chocolate and caffeine when I’m in writing mode. And music. I always have some kind of music streaming in the background. It’s usually instrumental, jazz, or one of the calming stations when I’m writing. I like rock and the faster stuff when I’m editing. Music is fine when I’m writing. I just can’t have a TV on anywhere nearby. I also had to buy a pair of noise-cancelling headphones for the days the neighbor’s lawn service breaks out the leaf blowers.

What are your must-haves for your writing sessions? Do you have a specific habit or ritual to get you in writing mode?