#WriterWednesday Interview with Jenna Greene

I’d like to welcome Jenna Greene to the blog for #WriterWednesday!

Favorite thing that you always make time for: I always make time to read and write. I’ll sacrifice housework to make sure I can be creative.

The thing you’ll always do just about anything to avoid: The above-mentioned housework. The weather too nice? I can’t be inside doing chores. The weather is yucky? That’s the best time to curl up with a book.

Things you need when you’re in your writing cave: A cup of tea, preferably very hot.

Things that distract you from writing: Anything happening in the house. Usually, this means my children are trying to tell me something. They tend to ignore me unless I have something I need to do.

The thing you like most about being a writer: Being creative. Creating worlds. Going on a journey with my characters and discovering the story with them.

The thing you like least about being a writer: Editing. Yes, it is necessary. Yes, it’s important. Yes, it’s not as fun as a first draft.

Things you will run to the store for in the middle of the night: The sequel to a good book. Or the last in a trilogy.

Things you never put on your shopping list: This may surprise you, but cleaning supplies!

The thing that you will most remember about your writing life: The feeling of completing a book, having it published, and being able to hold it in your hands as an actual, physical book.

Something in your writing life that you wish you could do over:

Something you’re really good at: I’m a pretty good coach. I coach dragonboat paddling and racing and I’ve been told I explain things well. Plus, when the team gets really tired, I motivate them with very corny jokes.

Something you never learned how to do: Knit. I think it’d be good for me if I knew how. I tried learning to crochet once, but the lessons went very badly. I can kind of sew, so that’s something, right? I can’t make a fancy pillow, but I can repair stuffed animals, which is a skill that has come in handy over the years.

Something you wanted to be when you were a kid: Fairy princess.

Something you do that you never dreamed you’d do: Teach, which means talking in front of people all day long. I used to be a very shy child.

Things to say to an author: I’m proud of you!

Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: I thought about writing a book once. It looks easy.

Most daring thing you’ve ever done: I rappelled once. It was terrifying. If I could have escaped from doing it, I would have. But I had to be brave for the children I was with.

Something you chickened out from doing: Scary rides at the fair that don’t have proper seat belts.

The funniest thing to happen to you: I’m fairly clumsy, so most days there are at least 5-6 funny or embarrassing things that happen to me. I walk into a lot of door frames. I am forced to pee in very unfortunate places. I’ve worn two different shoes to work multiple times.

The most embarrassing thing to happen to you: I think trying to get into someone else’s car (that looked like mine) is pretty bad. It’s happened a few times, but only once where the person was sitting in their vehicle and yelled at me.

The best job you ever had: Writing and teaching: The two best gigs in the world.

The worst job you ever had: Retail.

The one thing you cook/bake that is better than a restaurant dish: Um… nothing. I’m the world’s worst cook. My eight year old is now better at making spaghetti than I am … and everything else.

The one thing you cooked/baked that turned out to be an epic disaster: Any casserole I’ve tried. Most lasagna’s I make. I can burn microwave popcorn, so that’s not good. I’ve messed up soup. Sometimes I can re-heat things in the microwave.

About Jenna:

Jenna Greene is a teacher, writer, clumsy dancer, dragonboat coach and paddler, and semi-professional napper. She loves every part of her life and starts each day with a cup of tea.

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Jenna Greene – Author