How do You React to Feedback?

There is nothing like that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you receive critiques or edits on your work. All those mark-ups. That’s when self-doubt and loathing set in. Should I just give up and quit now? Maybe I’m not really cut out to do this.

It is very hard to offer your creation to someone and then to review their comments. When I started with my first critique group, I would have to wait a day or so after the discussion to go back through the written comments to be able to look at the comment without letting emotions take over. While many were positive, my brain tended to jump right to the criticisms and all the things that were wrong.

Receiving feedback became a lot easier when I changed how I thought about it. This is not personal, and it’s not an attack on me. Feedback is actually a gift to make you a better writer. You can learn so much and improve your craft.

I appreciate my beta readers, critique partners, agent, and editors. Writing is a business, and if you want to sell your writing, it needs to be the best it can be. Writing and revising are hard work.

My critiquers have provided ideas to make story lines better, they’ve explained what worked (and what didn’t work) in a story, and they helped me learn techniques and tricks of the trade.

One of the biggest things I learned was that you don’t have to list out every mundane thing that your character does. I come from a technical writing background where you detail every step in precise order. That’s necessary for software and process manuals, but not so much for fiction.

I read through the feedback and the notes from our discussion. I make the changes. If there’s something I don’t agree with (because it alters the character or story too much or it removes a vital clue to the mystery), I may choose not to make the edit.

Writing is a business, and you need to hone your skills and constantly make improvements. Critique groups, writing partners, and editors are the best way to do this. You learn more from doing than you do from reading craft books.

What has been your experience with receiving feedback on your work?