#ThisorThatThursday Author Interview with Steffanie Costigan

I’d like to welcome Steffanie Costigan to the blog for #ThisorThatThursday!

Hardest thing about being a writer: For myself the hardest thing about being a writer is my struggle with my learning disability having dyslexia makes me take longer than the normal writer luckily, I have tools to help me work with my dyslexia.

Easiest thing about being a writer: Coming up with stories; I am really an outside of the box thinker and it helps me develop unique ideas and takes on stories.

Things you need for your writing sessions: My phone and other devices that help me write despite my dyslexia. Music is another thing I find helpful and for my own comfort a nice warm drink next to me.

Things that hamper your writing: Hehe well I am a mother of four kids ages ranging from eight to three months; so, as you can imagine at times it’s not easy.

Things you always put in your books: I enjoy writing mainly in first person perspective. You will notice that style in a lot of my books.

Things you never put in your books: Steamy romance hehe, not my style.

Things to say to an author: Tell me about your book, or how did you come up with such and such for your book?

Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: I have never heard of your book, just joking hehe. “There is not enough steamy romance in your book.” Not all books are steamy romance just a heads up to the steamy romance lovers. Just because characters fall in love doesn’t mean there has to be steamy romance.

Favorite places you’ve been: Australia Adelaide! Met my husband there.

Places you never want to go to again: Hehe Alberta Canada during a blizzard.

Favorite books (or genre): I like fantasy reads, history, murder mystery, utopian. But some books that I have read as a kid have still stayed close to my heart such as Where the Red Fern Grows, The Whipping Boy, Last Unicorn, Tuck Everlasting. I really liked the Phantom of the Opera as a teenager.

Books you wouldn’t buy: Mommy porn books hehe; not my jam.

Favorite things to do: Write Hehe, I enjoy painting, spending time with my family.

Things you’d run through a fire or eat bugs to get out of doing: Hehe nothing, I would not run through a fire or eat bugs to avoid doing anything. I just simply wouldn’t do it. But somethings I don’t enjoy doing is the never ending dishes they are despicable.

Best thing you’ve ever done: I have accomplished a lot but for me the best thing I feel I did was marry my husband.

Biggest mistake: Not finishing high school. After high school education cost a lot of money, so I invested a lot for up grading in post-secondary. Wish I was able to finish in high school but unfortunately my circumstances made it difficult for me.

Most daring thing you’ve ever done: When I was a young girl, I was such a risk taker. Being around 18 at the time I free climbed up this mountain with no climbing gear and one of the rocks I stepped off of collapsed just as I stepped off of it near the top. Definitely not recommended.

Something you chickened out from doing: It’s funny cause I was a crazy risk taker as a teen to young adult. After having my first child something just clicked in me, and I don’t know why but I became so scared and cautious. So going to this place full of rides I chickened out of going on this roller coaster with my husband, and I would not let him go on it either for fear the roller coaster would crash and everyone die. But in my defense that roller coaster does have a reputation, and it was shut down for years due to the roller coaster going off the track and everyone on it dying. I believe it happened in the 1970s or 80s and it was at West Edmonton Mall in Galaxy Land.

The nicest thing a reader said to you: Something that really touch me was a reader that was recovering from surgery in the hospital shared with me despite the pain they were in they found hope from reading my book Land of the Dragon. It really touched my heart.

The craziest thing a reader said to you: Oh gosh, I can’t go into details fully because of how messed up the email was but basically a gross man making sexual comments towards me. He got blocked really fast.

Besides writing, what’s the most creative thing you’ve done: I am an artist, so I really enjoy painting and drawing. I also am involved in theater mainly directing and play writing.

A project that didn’t quite turn out the way you planned it:

Some real-life story that made it to one of your books: Well, this is a bit graphic but it’s from a true story. In my book Land of the Dragon there is a scene that my main protagonist female character Eleanor being in the setting of Nazi Germany 1940s comes across some children throwing pebbles into the open mouth of a corpse. This is a true story growing up my next-door neighbors were immigrant from Germany and lived in their youth during World War II in Germany and they told me how desensitized the kids were and how normal it was to see kids poking or throwing rocks into the open mouth of a dead corpse. So that was something I added into my book to really pain the scene of how awful that time was.

Something in your story that readers think is about you, but it’s not: I don’t think I have had someone think a story was related to myself yet.

About Steffanie:

Steffanie Costigan holds a strong passion for writing despite her severe disability with dyslexia. She has previously released a historic fantasy Land of the Dragon an award-winning novel, and children’s book “A Stony Gaze,” and her new children’s book coming out in December Crazy Potatoes. She hopes to release many more books in the future.

She resides in Canada, where she was born and raised with her husband and four children. Steffanie is a journalist and hopes to continue her passion for writing books and her dream of continuing as a journalist. Steffanie studied creative writing and took her program in digital communications and media at Lethbridge Polytechnic.

She hopes her writing will resonate with people and inspire those that read her writings. Her passion for writing started at the young age of three years old; She has written a couple of plays. Steffanie also wrote “A Stony Gaze” in a play format and had the opportunity to direct it in 2021.