Little Things Matter - Tips for Giving and Sharing

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Random acts of kindness can mean the world to someone, and sometimes, the giver never knows the extent of his/her/their actions. There are so many ways as writers that we can give back or encourage someone else. Here are some ideas…

Volunteer - There are so many organizations (including writers groups) that need volunteers to help with a variety of tasks. A few hours could make a difference.

Mentor/Coach - Volunteer to mentor or coach a new writer. Providing feedback and life experience is invaluable. I am so grateful for all the authors who have helped me along my writing journey.

Join a Critique Group - By partnering with others, you’re honing your craft while helping others. It means a lot to those at the beginning of their journey.

Practice Random Acts of Kindness - Every day, do something nice for someone else. You’ll never know how something small can mean so much. I was overjoyed once when the car in front of me paid for my lunch at the drive-thru. It was so unexpected. I reciprocated for the car behind me, and the clerk at the window said that it had been going on with over 25 cars paying for the one behind them.

Donate - Find organizations to take your unwanted items and books. I get so many books at conferences. I make sure to pass on the ones I don’t keep to little free libraries, Friends of the Libraries, and schools. Your local foodbank or food pantry is always in need of donations. Crafters, don’t throw out scraps and left-over supplies. Teachers and day care workers often want these types of supplies for their students. Our children’s museum has an art studio, and they are always looking for donations.

Box Tops for Education - I don’t have kids in school, but I downloaded the app and scan my weekly grocery receipt. The donation goes to my elementary school in Virginia Beach.

Keep in Touch - Find ways to keep in touch with others. We all need a team, and sometimes, we need a cheerleader. Use technology to stay connected. Celebrate other’s successes. Find ways to encourage when things aren’t going as planned.
