New Vocabulary For The New Normal


The new normal brings with it a whole host of challenges and new ways of doing things. It also brings its own vocabulary. I received a notice from the AP Style Book a week ago about its new standards for Covid-related words. Here are some interesting words and phrases for your lexicon.

Blursday - This was my favorite. Covid Brain makes it hard for me to remember what day it is sometimes.

Corona Babies or Coronials - Children conceived during the lockdown.

Coronacation - It’s a staycation during the quarantine.

Corona Cuts - Cutting one’s own hair during the pandemic. Don’t cut your bangs!

Covid-10 or Covid-15 - A reference to weight gain during the quarantine.

Covid Brain - That fuzzy-headedness you get because of all the change, gloom, and anxiety.

Covid Idiots - You can figure it out. Maskhole is often a synonym.

Doomscrolling/Doomsurfing - This is when you scroll through your social media feeds looking for news of the next crisis.

Extreme Teleworking - When there’s no split between home and work life. It feels like it’s all day, every day.

Fashion Mullet- When you professionally dress for a video conference from the waist up and wear shorts or pj bottoms with your flip flops. (All business on the top; party on the bottom.)

Flatten the Curve - The work done to stave off the virus and reduce the number of infections.

Hamsteren - Hoarding (stuffing one’s cheeks like a hamster).

Magpie - Like hamsteren, it’s storing supplies for the lockdown.

Maskne - The facial breakouts caused by wearing masks for long periods of time.

Quaranteam - These are the small group of folks in your bubble who you have contact with regularly.

Quaranteens - Teenagers during the pandemic.

Quarantini - Any cocktail you mix at home.

Virtual Happy Hour - Video meet up with friends for drinks or to socialize.

WFH - Work From Home

Zoombombing/Zoomraiding - When others, with bad intentions, crash and take control of video conferences.

Zoom Fatigue - That feeling that comes from way too many video conference calls.

Zumping - Breaking off a relationship via Zoom.
