Writing Stuff...

It's raining here in Central Virginia. It's a good day to work on my manuscript. I'm editing chapter thirty-one. I also made a gift basket for Virginia is for Mysteries for the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC). It's full of mugs, hot chocolate, chocolate candies, other goodies, and a copy of our VIFM anthology.

Disney and Riley also tried on parts of their Halloween costumes. They were not that enthusiastic about the entire ordeal. They only hung out because they were promised treats.

I hope you have a great weekend. Happy writing and reading!

My Dog Blog

My Jack Russells, Disney and Riley, know how to play hard and when to relax. Here's what they've taught me...

1. Play like you mean it. Enjoy what you do.

2. Just go for it. They don't waste time over-analyzing things.

3. Wake up joyfully exuberant (even on Mondays).

4. Find the fun in whatever you do.

5. Live in the moment. Don't stress about the past or the future.

6. Bark when you have to, but not all the time.

Disney Dog in one of her favorite kitchen chairs

Disney Dog in one of her favorite kitchen chairs

Riley the Rocket

Riley the Rocket