As you begin to query or promote your book, there are things you’re going to want to have on hand. It is better if you can create and polish them ahead of time instead of having to draft them on the fly.
Elevator Speech - This is a short description (2-3 sentences) of your book. M. M. of Finck of Query Quill says that it should be about 25-30 words, and it should create interest in your work. This description is at the summary level and should create an emotional connection or inspire curiosity.
Back Cover Copy - I usually draft this to go along with my proposal. Your publisher usually creates this, but sometimes, you may be asked for a draft. This type of promo for your book is longer than your elevator speech. It’s written to draw readers in, and it doesn’t give away the ending. M. M. Finck said to look at other books in your genre to get ideas for content and style.
Synopsis - Agents or publishers will often ask for a synopsis. This document isn’t for your reader. It’s usually about one to two pages single-spaced. It contains the title, author, genre, and word count and summarizes the action with the major characters and contains spoilers.
While I’m planning and writing, I create a document with a short summary of each chapter. It helps me see where the clues, action, romance, and comedy are. I later use this to create a synopsis.
Biography - You need to have several versions (e.g. short, medium, and long) of your biography. I put these on my website and in my press kit. Reporters, librarians, bloggers, and others use these when they feature your work or invite you to speak.
List of Book Links and Social Media Links - You will be asked frequently by bloggers, reviewers, and those managing book promotions for your links. I create a Word document for each book and store them all in one file. It’s easier to have them in one location.
List of Characters/Settings - Some people call this your book bible. I always create a document with the names and characteristics of each named character and location. If I’m writing a series, I create a Word table with a column for each book. I note key items like hair color, eye color, type of car, pet, etc. I want to be consistent across all the books. It also helps me not to reuse a name or pick a name that sounds like one I’ve already used.
Press Release - Your publisher or publicist will usually create create this. This is the formal announcement about your book, award, or special event for the media. If you Google “press release” there are lots of examples and templates to give you an idea if you’re creating your own.
Pictures - I keep a folder on my computer of my headshots in different sizes. I have another electronic folder of all my book covers in different sizes. This makes it easier when doing book promotions. All of them are in one place.
It helps to have all of your documents ready and in one place where you can quickly access them for queries, marketing, and promotions.