#ThisorThatThursday Interview with Keith Anthony Baird

I’d like to welcome Keith Anthony Baird to the blog for #ThisorThatThursday!

Hardest thing about being a writer: For me, marketing is the hardest part because it’s not natural to me. I’m not really someone who sells themselves particularly well so I struggle outside of my comfort zone. However, I understand that’s what we must do in order to get the word out about our books.

Easiest thing about being a writer: Just doing what we love best: writing! I can literally disappear for days if I’m in the flow. I really immerse myself in the creative part. The editing and revision not so much, but it can be enjoyable when it leads to a better story.

Favorite foods: I used to be a fan of savoury foods and not sweet, but I’ve found I’ve developed a sweet tooth the older I’ve gotten (not a good thing!). Savoury foods – Thai dishes, seafood. Sweet foods – cheesecake and chocolate.

Things that make you want to gag: I don’t like anything with ginger in it!

Something you’re really good at: Carpentry. I renovated a couple of houses when I was younger and found I had a knack for it.

Something you’re really bad at: Wallpapering. It just gets full of air bubbles and I want to tear my hair out!

Favorite music or song: There are a few genres I like. Rock, Metal, Classical, Punk. Even the odd Pop song if it’s decent quality.

Music that drives you crazy: Dire Straits. Talking Heads. I literally just want to rip my ears off when I hear any of their music. It also makes me feel nauseous. That whole ‘nails down a blackboard’ thing.

Favorite places you’ve been: Africa, Canada, Brazil, Hungary.

Places you never want to go to again: Mexico. It wasn’t a very pleasant experience for me, unfortunately.

People you’d like to invite to dinner: My publishers Heather and Steve. Some author pals.

People you’d cancel dinner on: The Kardashians. Donald Trump. Kanye West.

Favorite things to do: Hike across mountains. Swim in lakes. Snorkel on coral reefs. Drink wine.

Things you’d run through a fire or eat bugs to get out of doing: Shopping! I can’t stand wasting endless hours in different stores around town. It’s mind-numbingly boring.

Most daring thing you’ve ever done: I abseiled off a 375 ft. bridge for charity.

Something you chickened out from doing: Eating ginger!

The nicest thing a reader said to you: One reader (someone I now consider a friend) sent me a video message saying he thought my writing was amazing. That blew me away.

The craziest thing a reader said to you: I had an author table at a con and a guy asked if my horror/dark fiction stories where ok for kids to read. He got a blank look.

Besides writing, what’s the most creative thing you’ve done: I’ve set up my own businesses in the past and doing that requires being creative in a very challenging way.

A project that didn’t quite turn out the way you planned it: The odd one or two carpentry projects that looked very different in real life than they did in my head! Lol. They got scrapped.

About Keith:

Keith Anthony Baird began writing dark fiction in 2016 as a self-published author.

After five years of releasing titles via Amazon and Audible he switched his focus

to the traditional publishing route.

His dark fantasy novella In the Grimdark Strands of the Spinneret was published via Brigids Gate Press (BGP) in 2022. Two further novellas are to be published in 2024 via BGP - SIN:THETICA (May) and a vampire saga in collaboration with fellow Brit author Beverley Lee - A Light of Little Radiance (November).

He is currently writing an alien invasion/post-apocalyptic novel called WIND RUST which

will be the first of a planned trilogy.

He lives in Cumbria, United Kingdom, on the edge of the Lake District National Park.

Let’s Be Social:

Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/kabauthor

Instagram: @kabauthor

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16771035.Keith_Anthony_Baird

Website: https://5f2dd297cf905.site123.me/

Universal Amazon link for SIN:THETICA: http://mybook.to//Sinthetica